Website Evaluation Analysis

We offer one of the most advanced and useful website evaluation and analysis reports available in today's ever-changing Internet landscape.
Based on 100 critical points of criteria, we break down your website so that you can understand its effectiveness in your category of business and against your competition. Most importantly, our analysis reveals where areas of improvement and opportunities exist on your website.

Website Evaluation Analysis Report Components:

  1. Google Popularity Ranking
  2. Website Focus Assessment
  3. Evaluation Summary:
    1. On-Page Optimization Strength Score
    2. Content Strength Score
    3. Backlink Strength Score
    4. Domain Strength Score
  4. Popular Keywords Analysis:
    1. Top 10 Keyword Review
    2. Keyword Search Volume Review
    3. Google Ranking Assessment
    4. Bing Ranking Assessment
    5. Web Traffic Tracking Illustration - Heat Map Technology
  5. Competitive Overview:
    1. On-page Overview
    2. Top Competitors Review:
      1. Rank
      2. Age
  6. Backlink Intelligence:
    1. Understanding the Importance of Backlinks:
      1. Whitehat
      2. Greyhat
      3. Blackhat
    2. Your Backlink Quality Review
    3. Anchor Tag/Keyword
    4. Backlink Page Rank Statistics
  7. Side-by-Side Competitive Comparison - The #1 Competitor Analysis "Side-by-Side" with Your Company:
    1. On-page Optimization Strength Score
    2. Content Strength Score
    3. Backlink Strength Score
    4. Domain Strength Score
  8. SEO Summary & Recommendations - Each report is delivered in person or as a live on-line webinar conference. Highly valuable insights with recommendations are provided along with the printed report.